73 research outputs found

    On extremum-searching approximate probabilistic algorithms

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    Decision-making under uncertainty processed by lattice-valued possibilistic measures

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    summary:The notion and theory of statistical decision functions are re-considered and modified to the case when the uncertainties in question are quantified and processed using lattice-valued possibilistic measures, so emphasizing rather the qualitative than the quantitative properties of the resulting possibilistic decision functions. Possibilistic variants of both the minimax (the worst-case) and the Bayesian optimization principles are introduced and analyzed

    Possibilistic alternatives of elementary notions and relations of the theory of belief functions

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    summary:The elementary notions and relations of the so called Dempster–Shafer theory, introducing belief functions as the basic numerical characteristic of uncertainty, are modified to the case when probabilistic measures and basic probability assignments are substituted by possibilistic measures and basic possibilistic assignments. It is shown that there exists a high degree of formal similarity between the probabilistic and the possibilistic approaches including the role of the possibilistic Dempster combination rule and the relations concerning the possibilistic nonspecificity degrees

    Statistical approach to proof theory

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    Partial Convergence and Continuity of Lattice-Valued Possibilistic Measures

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    The notion of continuity from above (upper continuity) for lattice-valued possibilistic measures as investigated in [7] has been proved to be a rather strong condition when imposed as demand on such a measure. Hence, our aim will be to introduce some versions of this upper continuity weakened in the sense that the conditions imposed in [7] to the whole definition domain of the possibilistic measure in question will be restricted just to certain subdomains. The resulting notion of partial upper convergence and continuity of lattice-valued possibilistic measures will be analyzed in more detail and some results will be introduced and proved

    Mechanized experiment planning in automaton-environment systems

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    A stochastic approach to robot plan formation

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    Decision-making under uncertainty processed by lattice-valued possibilistic measures

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    summary:The notion and theory of statistical decision functions are re-considered and modified to the case when the uncertainties in question are quantified and processed using lattice-valued possibilistic measures, so emphasizing rather the qualitative than the quantitative properties of the resulting possibilistic decision functions. Possibilistic variants of both the minimax (the worst-case) and the Bayesian optimization principles are introduced and analyzed

    Possibilistic Entropy Functions

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